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  • Basic of Programming
  • Computer Network
  • Condition statement
  • Loops, Pattern Problem, Function
  • 1D Array, 2D Array
  • Number System and Maths
  • Intro to Data Structure
  • Time Complexity

  • Introduction to OS
  • Process Management
  • Memory Management
  • Concurrency
  • Storage Management

  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML Basics
  • HTML elements
  • HTML5 Semantic
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraph
  • HTML Styles
  • HTML Formatting
  • HTML Quotations
  • HTML Computer Code
  • HTML Comments & Colours
  • HTML CSS, Links & Images
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Blocks
  • HTML Classes
  • HTML Layout
  • HTML Responsive
  • HTML Iframes
  • HTML Javascript
  • HTML Head
  • Project

  • CSS3 Syntax
  • CSS3 Colours
  • CSS3 Backgrounds
  • CSS3 Borders
  • CSS Padding
  • CSS Height/Width
  • CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Shadows
  • CSS3 Text
  • CSS3 Fonts
  • CSS3 2D Transforms
  • CSS3 3D Transforms
  • CSS Links
  • CSS Tables
  • CSS Lists
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Max-width
  • CSS Position
  • CSS Float
  • CSS Inline-block
  • CSS Align
  • CSS Combinators
  • CSS Navigation Bar
  • CSS Dropdown
  • CSS Pseudo-class
  • CSS Pseudo-elements
  • CSS Tooltips
  • CSS3 Images
  • CSS Attr Selectors
  • CSS Forms
  • CSS Counters
  • CSS3 Animations
  • CSS3 Buttons
  • CSS3 Pagination
  • CSS3 Multiple columns
  • CSS3 User Interface
  • CSS3 Box Sizing
  • CSS3 Filters
  • CSS3 Media Queries
  • CSS3 Responsive
  • Project

  • Introduction to Javascript
  • Javascript Language Basics
  • Javascript Objects
  • Javascript Scope
  • Javascript Events
  • Javascript Strings
  • Javascript Numbers
  • Javascript Math
  • Javascript Arrays
  • Javascript Boolean
  • Javascript Comparisons
  • Javascript Conditions
  • Javascript Switch
  • Javascript Loops
  • Javascript type Conversion
  • Javascript RegExp
  • Javascript Errors
  • Javascript Debugging
  • Javascript Hoisting
  • Javascript Strict Mode
  • Javascript Functions
  • Javascript Objects
  • Javascript forms
  • Javascript HTML DOM
  • Javascript BOM
  • Project

  • Introduction to MongoDB (No-sql)
  • Collections in MongoDB
  • Documents in MongoDB
  • Difference between MYsql and NoSQL
  • Inserting data into database
  • Filters Queries in MongoDB Database
  • Schema Validation in MongoDb Database
  • Indexing in collections
  • Aggregation in MongoDB
  • Embedded Documents in MongoDB
  • Projects

  • Node.JS Introduction
  • Node.JS Enviorment Setup
  • Node.JS First Application
  • Node.JS REPL Terminal
  • Package Manager
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming
  • Promises in Node.js
  • Mongodb with Node.js
  • Design the Schema in Node.js
  • Design the Rest API’S
  • JSON Web Token Authentication in Node.js
  • Create the Auth APP in Node.js
  • Create the E-Commerce Backend
  • Integrated payment Gateway

  • Express
  • Restful Services
  • Introducing Express
  • Building your First Web Server
  • Environment Variables
  • Route Parameters
  • Handling HTT GET Request
  • Handling HTTP POST Request
  • Calling Endpoints using postman
  • Input validations
  • Handling HTTP PUT request
  • Handling HTTP DELETE Request
  • Project- Build the geners API

  • Introduction to DBMS
  • Data Modeling
  • Entity-Relationship Management
  • Relational Model
  • SQL
  • Normalisation
  • Transactions
  • Indexing
  • Classification of Database
  • NoSQL Databases
  • Database Optimization

  • Time Compexity
  • Array, Strings
  • Maths
  • Bit Manipulation
  • Binary Search
  • Two Pointer
  • Recursion
  • Hashing
  • Sorting
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Linked List
  • Trees
  • Tries
  • Segment Tree
  • Heap
  • Geedy
  • Dynamics Programming
  • Graphs
  • Advance data Structures

  • Low level Design-OOPS
  • Design Pattern
  • UML Diagram
  • Schema Design
  • Design Problem
  • Machine Coding
  • Introduction to HLD
  • Architecture Design
  • Distributed System
  • Load Balancing
  • Consistent Hashing
  • Caching
  • Transactions
  • SQL vs NOSQL
  • Distributed Queues
  • Microservices
  • Real Life Case Studies

  • Numbers
  • Average and Mixture
  • Arithmetic & Word Problems
  • Counting
  • Time Speed and Distance
  • Reasoning
  • Data Interpretation
  • Miscellaneous Topics

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6 Months



Online + Offline




Live Project

Live Project


How would Kochiva's MERN Stack transform you?

Kochiva's MERN Stack Course is exclusively designed to provide a Live Internship like experience to the students to make them ready for real-world jobs.

ideal for college

Ideal for College Summer Internship Trainings

Live Project

Live Projects with real time numbers and real clients

job mentors

Mentors with 15+ years of corporate experience

Frequently Asked Questions?

Any Graduate or final year student can join the program.

Yes, you can join this course.All that's required is your commitment of time and effort, including active participation in live sessions and timely completion of assignments.

6 Month

We are currently offering a Full Stack Web Development course, which will help you become a Full Stack Developer, Back end developer, React Developer, Front End Developer or a SDE in the Industry.
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