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  • What is HTML?
  • Tags in HTML
  • Attributes and Hyperlinks
  • Headings and Lists
  • Divs and Tables
  • Image insertion and formatting
  • Background and font formatting
  • Working with HTML forms
  • Introduction to CSS
  • Introduction to cascade
  • Basics of CSS
  • Selectors
    Selector Combinations
  • The Box Model
  • Color and Font Styling
  • Text Alignment and Size
  • IMAGE Formats

  • Introduction
  • Functions
  • Objects
  • Events
  • Strings
  • Arrays
  • Dates, Conditions
  • LOOP
  • Switch
  • Sets
  • Maps

  • Introduction
  • Environment Setup
  • First Application
  • REPL Terminal
  • Package Manager
  • Callbacks Concepts
  • Event Loops , Event Emitter
  • Buffers
  • Streams, File System
  • Global Objects, Utility Modules
  • Web Module
  • Express Framework
  • RESTful API
  • Scaling Application, Packaging

  • Frontend Frameworks
  • Grid System
  • Bootstrap Elements like Navbar and Jumbotron

  • Overview
  • Advantages
  • Environment
  • Data Modelling
  • Create Database, Drop Database, Create Collection, Drop
  • Datatypes, Insert Document, Query Document
  • Update Document,Delete Document
  • Projection, Limit Records, Sort Records, Indexing
  • Aggregation, Replication, Sharding, Crating Backup
  • DeploymentJava, PHP

  • Introduction

  • React Introduction, Version, Installation, Create –reactapp, React features, pros and cons
  • ReactJS vs AngularJS vs ReactNative
  • React Components, states, props validations, Constructors
  • React Styling, React Properties
  • Event Management, State Management
  • React –HTTP Client Programming
  • React form Programming
  • ReactRouting
  • ReactRedux, ReactAnimation
  • Testing
  • CLI Commands
  • ReactBuilding and Deployment
  • React Examples

  • Git Introduction
  • Git New Files
  • Git Staging Enivornment
  • Git Commit
  • Git Help
  • Git Branch
  • Git Branch Merge
  • Github Introduction
  • GitHub Edit Code
  • Pull from Github
  • Push to Github
  • Github Branch, pull branch from Github, push branch to github
  • Github Flow, pages
    Git Contribute: Fork, Clone from Github
  • Send Pull Request

  • Introduction

  • Capstone Project

Courses Details

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6 Months

Batch Size






Live Project


How would Kochiva's Advance Web Development Course transform you?

Kochiva's Advance Web Development Course is exclusively designed to provide a Live Internship-like experience to the students to make them ready for real-world jobs.

Ideal for College Internship Trainings

Live Projects with real time numbers and real clients

Mentors with 15+ years of corporate experience

Frequently Asked Questions?

If you are interested in our course, you can simply fill up the enrollment form available on the website. Very soon, Kochiva’s Admission Counselling Team shall get in touch with you.

Anyone who has the fire to code and basic knowledge of how IT works can go ahead with the training. Our training are beginner-friendly.

One needs to have an active internet connection with at least 1 MBPS download speed. One also needs to have a working laptop/desktop PC with the following specifications. 1. 1 GHz Processor 2. 4 GB RAM 3. 120 GB Hard Drive 4. Microphone 5. WebCam

This course is for all those motivated individuals who are eager to learn and upskill themselves.
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