Freelance French Language Trainer


2-5 Years


Work From Home

Job Description:

-Developing lesson plans and curriculam based on the needs of individual students.

-Providing conversational classes where pronunciation and important words and phrases are taught.

-Researching teaching methods, materials, and language games that can be used in class.

-Scheduling and preparing students for oral and written examinations.

-Monitoring students’ progress by writing up reports and grading assessments.

-Providing suggestions for further learning and scheduling intervention sessions with struggling students.

-Organizing fun events where students can showcase their language skills.

Desired Candidate Profile:

-C Level certification in the French language

-Proven written and verbal proficiency in french.

-Strong interpersonal as well as written and verbal communication skills.

-Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities.

-Well-organized and able to handle multiple responsibilities.

-Detail-oriented and resilient.

Online Application Form

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